Feb 3, 2012


Its been a while since the last post and well that's because I've been really busy. Well that and lazy. In other news I've moved up to Reno, Nevada, and will be starting to work at IGT. No idea what I'll be working, but they make slot machines, so pretty sure it'll have something to do with that. With that said, Reno is COLD. What worries me is that people I talk to that live up here say this is a mild winter. In all honesty though, its not that bad. The area is pretty nice, most everything was recently built and I'm rooming with a good friend from Full Sail. The pay is pretty good as well, so that's a plus. But I guess, I'll try to be updating here more often with game reviews or more stuff relating to the gaming industry or something.

Oh, and I'm going to GDC with a few friends from college this March.

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